Image of a young woman wearing a backpack and looking out at a green field. This image represents what a college student in need of an anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN may look like. | 37204 | 37212 | 37129

Working with Jody Can Help You Feel In Control

You think you might be having anxiety attacks.

It is hard to remember everything that happens.

The world is both quiet but spinning at the same time. 

It feels like time slows down.

After it’s over it seems like it lasted for hours.

Your mind feels scrambled for the rest of the day.

It’s hard to focus. Hard to sit still. It seems like going to sleep and resetting for tomorrow is the only solution.

But it won’t happen again. Hopefully? You tried meditating some. Surely that is enough to put a stop to any future attacks?  If you just keep thinking positive that they won’t come back, right? No more anxiety attacks. Please??

But deep in the back of your mind, you know the truth is that you don’t have any idea how to really stop anxiety.

Here is where I step in. Just hoping panic will go away isn’t a plan. Every time these episodes happen you lose something. Time. Focus. Confidence. Waiting and hoping for the best is a risk when it comes to anxiety. It comes from a place in the brain that isn’t necessarily in agreement with the part that is doing all that hoping.  The thing that most people hate the most about anxiety is how it scares them. It pops up at the worst times. And you just want it to stop. You do not have to live at the mercy of anxiety’s terrible timing anymore. Let’s get ahead of it and learn what you can do to prevent anxiety attacks.

Anxiety Symptoms

  • Excessive worry and overthinking
  • Physical symptoms such as stomach pains, shaking, sweating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Inability to say no
  • Low self-esteem and confidence
  • Trying to control things
  • Extreme levels of people pleasing
  • Trouble concentrating – you may wonder if you’ve gone all your life with undiagnosed ADHD
  • Catastrophizing
  • All or nothing thinking and often using words like “always” or “never”
  • Episodes of escalating fears that cause rapid breathing

Relief from Panic Attacks with the help of an Anxiety Therapist

You know how sometimes you are completely overcome by sense of doom? Your heart starts beating really fast, maybe your legs get wobbly or your hands sweat and you can’t catch your breath? That’s an anxiety or panic attack. Here I will use those words interchangeably because my approach to them is the same. Anxiety attacks are incredibly common. They’re often unexpected and you may not know why they happen. Sometimes they can be terrifying. If this sounds familiar, anxiety treatment can certainly help you.

I have been specializing in helping my clients overcome panic attacks for over a decade. How so? I find that a combination of visual learning, self monitoring (with my support of course!), and addressing those biggest fears we all have works wonders for eliminating panic attacks.

I know they feel terrible and I have a lot of compassion for how they can leave a person feeling hopeless. When we work together, please know that ridding your life of those spontaneous panic attacks is my goal. It is in the best interest of your health, your relationships, and your mental health to stop having panic. I have helped clients with this time and time again. You deserve the same kind of relief. Get ready to work with me and feel better.

Image of a woman sitting on the floor holding her head in her hands. This image represents someone suffering from a panic attack and in need of an anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN. 37027 | 37212 | 37204

Image of a young woman holding her arms out to her sides while standing in a forest. This image depicts the relief you can find when meeting with an anxiety therapist for anxiety counseling in Nashville, TN. 37205 | 37027

Does Therapy Help with Anxiety?

If you’ve been suffering from anxiety, there is hope. Anxiety treatment with a trained therapist is proven to help reduce anxiety symptoms and panic attacks. At this Tennessee counseling practice, we will focus first on identifying your goals for therapy. Then, we will get familiar with YOUR anxiety. Each individual experiences it differently, so it is essential that we understand your unique experience. Part of this may be connecting some of your current experiences to past circumstances. This can be really helpful in helping us understand how you have gotten to where you are today. In sessions, we will help you find a path forward so you don’t have to keep feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.

Anxiety Counseling for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a common element of anxiety. And they are treatable. By working on coping strategies in sessions, you will be able to apply real-time exercises to come down from a panic attack. Additionally, by getting to the root of your anxiety during sessions, you will have a deeper understanding of yourself and your triggers. Knowing these things about yourself can help decrease the frequency of panic attacks.

Outcomes of Anxiety Counseling

When you work with a therapist, you will be met without judgment or expectations. It’s likely that you haven’t told your loved ones about how you’re really doing. You work hard and stay busy. You are the one who can handle it all. Maybe asking for help hasn’t seemed like an option until now. The negative self-talk and black-and-white thinking tell you that you’re a failure for not keeping it all together on your own.

Well, when you start anxiety treatment, you can relinquish all of those expectations. With the help of an anxiety therapist, you can regain your confidence and figure out how to live in the uncomfortable parts of life. We’ll talk about slowing down and being mindful. My hope for you is that our work together can help you live in the present and feel fulfilled again. Your brain will let you stop catastrophizing. And your relationships with yourself and others will become healthier altogether.

Begin Anxiety Counseling in Nashville, TN

Thinking about getting started? If you have questions or concerns about anxiety treatment, please contact me. We can talk through any of your worries and get you started on your journey toward feeling better. My Murfreesboro, TN-located counseling practice uses online therapy to provide services to college students in the Nashville area as well as Tennessee as a whole.